European lynx

European lynx

European Lynx: Lynx lynx. It is characterized by the black tail tip and the tip of the ear tufts of black hair and big beard serve as a radar to detect their prey. She lives in forests of Europe, but may also inhabit rocky areas and scrub. Their main



Tiger: Panthera tigris. It is the largest cat and strength is considered the 'king of the jungle.' Game day and night, covering distances of up to 28 km, can live 20 years. Hunter is considered the best land and can hunt large pieces such as buffalo,



Lion: Panthera leo. Large carnivorous mammal of the Felidae family, Fur between yellow and red. It is a sedentary animal that can live alone, in small groups or large flocks, which dominate one and seven males. He lives in semi-arid regions of Africa



El lobo ibérico tiene un tamaño un poco menor que un pastor alemán. Los lobos viven en grupos sociales jerarquizados que aumentan su eficacia en la caza y sólo la pareja alfa puede tener descedencia, además de ser la lider y la guía de la manad

Lion Cubs

Lion Cubs

Lion: Panthera leo. The female hunting in groups, usually at night, while the male can sleep up to 20 hours a day. You can give birth to one to four offspring. He lives in semi-arid regions of Africa and a small population in the forests of Asia.

Brown bear

Brown bear

Brown bear: Ursus arctos. Ursid dark brown eyes ralación very small in your body. It is a solitary animal, curious, intelligent and a good memory. His nose is highly developed and Auga loves. It is omnivorous, eating fruits, plants, insects, eggs, f



El lémur catta o cola anillada, es el más terrestre de todos los lémures y realiza sus actividades en el suelo y exclusivamente a la luz del día. Por las mañanas, el lémur de cola anillada toma el sol para calentarse.



The Gibraltar macaques is a highly intelligent animal that needs a lot of external stimuli to avoid boredom and manipulate objects, search for hidden food, investigate and interact with their peers. Lives up to 20 years, in large groups led by a domi

Pantera negra

Pantera negra

La pantera es un leopardo que, por motivos genéticos, sale de color negro (melanismo). El pelaje le permite mezclarse o perderse con el fondo de la selva de modo que su presa no puede verla. Caza de noche y duerme de día.

Olive Baboon (Papio anubis)

Olive Baboon (Papio anubis)

One of the most striking physical features of this animal is red and swollen from the rear of the females, which is a claim for the male sex. Earth is a monkey, sedentary living in large groups between 20 and 30.



They are the only mammals capable of flight, have spread throughout most of the world and have occupied a variety of different ecological niches. They play a vital ecological role as pollinators and also develop an important role in seed dispersal, m



The 'Nocturama' is a new installation of nocturnal animals that allow for visitors to its observation in the dark of night, when they are most active. The host species belong to different taxonomic groups, such as marsupials, primates, bats, Galaga a



Zebra burchelli: Equus quagga. They are especially famous for their characteristic black and white stripes, which vary not only between species but also from one individual to another, and his mane erect. They communicate with each other with sharp b

Llama and Guanaco

Llama and Guanaco

Lama: lama lama. Guanaco: guanacoe Lama. The ancestors of the camels were natives of North America. Some of them moved to Asia, crossing the Bering Strait, giving rise to a camel which in turn will result in the dromedary. Others came to South Amári

Corsica mouflon

Corsica mouflon

Corsican mouflon: Ovis musimon. Its body is robust and elongated legs. Its fur is brown, belly, anal region, legs and snout white. It is very agile, has good eyesight. It originates from the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. It was introduced in the f

White fallow deer

White fallow deer

White fallow deer: Dama dama. Smaller than the deer, their shovel-shaped horns as adults. The males of these animals will grow horns on his head. These horns remain part of the year, will eventually fall (antlers) and they come out again next spring.

Wild boar

Wild boar

Wild boar: Sus scrofa. It is a sedentary animal nocturnal and gregarious. He likes to wallow in mud to cool and wormed. It lives in deciduous forests, rich in undergrowth of Mediterranean areas of Europe. It is an omnivorous animal: it feeds on acorn



El castor es un animal del género de los roedores semiacuáticos con capacidad para construir diques en ríos para crear sus hogares o castoreras. Tienen una cola muy característica grande, plana y escamosa.



El Puercoespín o puerco espín, tienen púas en su cuerpo formadas por pelos cubiertos de placas de queratina. Las púas se pueden soltar por contacto con ellas, o salir despedidas cuando el puercoespín sacude su cuerpo. Es más activo durante la n

Pecarís de collar

Pecarís de collar

Los pecarís de collar son animales nómadas diurnos que viven en grupos de 1 a 20 miembros. La manada es dominada y conducida por el macho más robusto. Duermen por la noche en madrigueras, o con frecuencia bajo las raíces de los árboles.



El Ualabí o wallaby son marsupiales con un tamaño menor al canguro. Son originarios de Australia y Nueva Guinea. Alcanzan una longitud aproximada de hasta 1 metro. Con sus patas traseras más desarrolladas se desplazan con saltos. Su cola gruesa l

Other mammals

Other mammals

Vigozoo has a great diversity of mammals: tigers, lions, panthers, bobcats, deer, llamas, deer, zebras, beavers, bison, guanacos, wild boar, bear, oryx, macaques, baboons, ...

Vigo: Mammals