Brown bearBrown bear: Ursus arctos. Ursid dark brown eyes ralación very small in your body. It is a solitary animal, curious, intelligent and a good memory. His nose is highly developed and Auga loves. It is omnivorous, eating fruits, plants, insects, eggs, fish, honey, mushrooms, carrion and sometimes deer and domestic livestock. She lives in forests and mountains of the Cantabrian Mountains, Pyrenees and may occasionally appear in Galicia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 » BROWN BEARS. ( Num ref.: 8921d )BROWN BEARS. ( Num ref.: 1698u )BROWN BEARS. ( Num ref.: 5623c )BROWN BEARS. ( Num ref.: 8926d )BROWN BEARS. ( Num ref.: 8933d )BROWN BEARS. ( Num ref.: 5629c ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 » Zoo of Vigo. SpainFacilitiesPlanetarioReptiles and AmphibiansSnakesGreen MambaSavannah monitorLizardsAxolotlTurtlesReptileMammalsEuropean lynxTigersLionsWolfLion CubsBrown bearLemurPrimatesPantera negraOlive Baboon (Papio anubis)Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)BatsNocturamaZebrasLlama and GuanacoCorsica mouflonWhite fallow deerWild boarCastorPuercoespínPecarís de collarUalabiOther mammalsArachnids and insectsArachnidsInsectsButterfly - birdAves. BirdsEmusGriffon VultureDemoiselle CraneStorksPeacock. Indian PeafowlSwansGeeseSabana africanaAvestrúzAves RapacesRuddy shelduckWaterfowlTerrestrial birds