White fallow deerWhite fallow deer: Dama dama. Smaller than the deer, their shovel-shaped horns as adults. The males of these animals will grow horns on his head. These horns remain part of the year, will eventually fall (antlers) and they come out again next spring. They are solid and branch ending at various points. With each season tend to increase their size. 1 2 » WHITE FALLOW DEER. ( Num ref.: 1638u )WHITE FALLOW DEER. ( Num ref.: 1644u )WHITE FALLOW DEER. ( Num ref.: 1666u )WHITE FALLOW DEER. ( Num ref.: 1647u )WHITE FALLOW DEER. ( Num ref.: 1662u )WHITE FALLOW DEER. ( Num ref.: 1641u ) 1 2 » Zoo of Vigo. SpainFacilitiesPlanetarioReptiles and AmphibiansSnakesGreen MambaSavannah monitorLizardsAxolotlTurtlesReptileMammalsEuropean lynxTigersLionsWolfLion CubsBrown bearLemurPrimatesPantera negraOlive Baboon (Papio anubis)Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)BatsNocturamaZebrasLlama and GuanacoCorsica mouflonWhite fallow deerWild boarCastorPuercoespínPecarís de collarUalabiOther mammalsArachnids and insectsArachnidsInsectsButterfly - birdAves. BirdsEmusGriffon VultureDemoiselle CraneStorksPeacock. Indian PeafowlSwansGeeseSabana africanaAvestrúzAves RapacesRuddy shelduckWaterfowlTerrestrial birds