Llama and GuanacoLama: lama lama. Guanaco: guanacoe Lama. The ancestors of the camels were natives of North America. Some of them moved to Asia, crossing the Bering Strait, giving rise to a camel which in turn will result in the dromedary. Others came to South Amárica causing the current South American camelids (llama, guanaco, alpaca, vicuña). 1 2 3 » LLAMAS AND GUANACOS. ( Num ref.: 1625u )LLAMAS AND GUANACOS. ( Num ref.: 1658u )LLAMAS AND GUANACOS. ( Num ref.: 1670u )LLAMAS AND GUANACOS. ( Num ref.: 1632u )LLAMAS AND GUANACOS. ( Num ref.: 1610u )LLAMAS AND GUANACOS. ( Num ref.: 1635u ) 1 2 3 » Zoo of Vigo. SpainFacilitiesPlanetarioReptiles and AmphibiansSnakesGreen MambaSavannah monitorLizardsAxolotlTurtlesReptileMammalsEuropean lynxTigersLionsWolfLion CubsBrown bearLemurPrimatesPantera negraOlive Baboon (Papio anubis)Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)BatsNocturamaZebrasLlama and GuanacoCorsica mouflonWhite fallow deerWild boarCastorPuercoespínPecarís de collarUalabiOther mammalsArachnids and insectsArachnidsInsectsButterfly - birdAves. BirdsEmusGriffon VultureDemoiselle CraneStorksPeacock. Indian PeafowlSwansGeeseSabana africanaAvestrúzAves RapacesRuddy shelduckWaterfowlTerrestrial birds