Lion Cubs « 1 2 LION CUBS AND LEONE. ( Num ref.: 9000d )LION CUBS AND LEONE. ( Num ref.: 9008d )LION CUBS AND LEONE. ( Num ref.: 8962d )LION CUBS AND LEONE. ( Num ref.: 8979d )LION CUBS AND LEONE. ( Num ref.: 9009d )LION CUBS AND LEONE. ( Num ref.: 8972d ) « 1 2 Zoo of Vigo. SpainFacilitiesPlanetarioReptiles and AmphibiansSnakesGreen MambaSavannah monitorLizardsAxolotlTurtlesReptileMammalsEuropean lynxTigersLionsWolfLion CubsBrown bearLemurPrimatesPantera negraOlive Baboon (Papio anubis)Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)BatsNocturamaZebrasLlama and GuanacoCorsica mouflonWhite fallow deerWild boarCastorPuercoespínPecarís de collarUalabiOther mammalsArachnids and insectsArachnidsInsectsButterfly - birdAves. BirdsEmusGriffon VultureDemoiselle CraneStorksPeacock. Indian PeafowlSwansGeeseSabana africanaAvestrúzAves RapacesRuddy shelduckWaterfowlTerrestrial birds