Emu: Dromaius novaehollandiae. It is the second largest bird in the world, yet can not fly but runs, reaching 50 km / h. After the female lays eggs, the male that incubates for 55 days without leaving the nest and even stopped eating and drinking. He
Griffon Vulture
Griffon Vulture: Gyps fulvus. Griffon is called by the collar of feathers around the neck has that looks like the lion's mane. It is a large sedentary bird. His whole body is adapted to eat dead animals: Sinaloa looking eyes to detect food and has th
Demoiselle Crane
Demoiselle Crane: Anthropoides virgo. They are long-legged wading birds. They are the smallest of all cranes. They have long ribbons of white feathers in the area of the ears and elongated black feathers on the chest. Dispatched by the Eastern Europe
Stork: Ciconia ciconia. White plumage, white wings with black tips, red bill and legs, in a characteristic silhouette takes flight with neck and legs outstretched. Their breeding season starts in spring: males reach breeding area a few days before fe
Peacock. Indian Peafowl
Peafowl: Pavo cristatus. The peacock, Pavo cristatus descends from home, lived a part of India. Although it was known by the Egyptians, was unknown in Europe until the time of Alexander the Great. Worshiped by Hindus as sacred bird, was declared nati
Swan: Cygnus olor. The Mute Swan is also called mute swan, because unlike the other swans that are reported on the air by emitting strong trumpet, it remains silent. It is the largest and heaviest birds in this habitat swimmers. It is solitary and ve
Geese. It is a migratory bird and is easily recognized by brown head, white neck and black bill with an extension to the front as a lump. It lives in swamps, wetlands and cultivated fields and dry. Its range in Europe and Asia is.
Actualmente el avestrúz es el ave corredora más grande y pesada del mundo llegando hasta los 3 metros de altura y los 180 Kg. Pueden alcanzar los 90 Km/h y llegan a vivir 50 años en cautividad.
Aves Rapaces
Las aves rapaces o aves de presa utilizan sus potentes garras y pico afilado para cazar presas como alimento. Son aves rapaces los buitres, águilas, gavilanes, halcones, lechuzas, mochuelos o búhos.
Ruddy shelduck
Ruddy shelduck:Tardona feruginea. It measures 36 to 46 cm. The male has a brown with blue spots on the wings. Females are mottled beige and blue spots on the wings. It builds its nest of grass near the water and put 4 to 16 eggs. The incubation time