Monument-Panteón of the Cruz Roja « 1 2 MONUMENT-PANTHEON OF RED CROSS. SCULPTURES AND SCULPTORS. VIGO. ( Num ref.: 3591e )MONUMENT-PANTHEON OF RED CROSS. SCULPTURES AND SCULPTORS. VIGO. ( Num ref.: 3601e ) « 1 2 Monuments and sculpturesFountains of Vigo (s. XVII-XVIII)Neptune fountain and Angel's fountainAgustín Querol (s.XIX)Monument to ElduayenMonument to Méndez NúñezJulio González Pola (1900-40)Monument-Panteón of the Cruz RojaMonument to the reconquistFrancisco Asorey (1920)Heraclio Botana SculptureGil & Sarabia SculptureAsorey SculpturesFunerary Monuments (1900-1930)Cementery of PereiróPublics Sculptures (1910-1960)Sculpture clasic in Vigo (Spain)Monument to fishermanJosé Luis Medina (50's)Sculptures of MedinaCamilo Nogueria (1960-1970)Sculptures Alameda-ArealSculptures CastroSculptures of NogueriaXoan Piñeiro (1960-70)Sculptures of Xoan PiñeiroSculpture contemporary public (1970-s.XXI)Publics Sculptures (1970-s.XXI)Sculpture of MiñocaGuillermo Steinbrüggen Lago (1970)Monument to blacksmithSilvino Silva (1980-1993)Sculptures of Silvino SilvaManuel G. Buciños (1980-90)Sculptures of Buciños Manuel Coia (1990)Sculptures Manuel CoiaJuan Oliveira (1980-90)Monument to the HorsesMonument to EuropeSculptures horses CaixanovaFrancisco Leiro (1986-1992)El SirenoBañistas no ArealOthers sculptures of LeiroRamon Conde (1991)Monument to WorkSculpture public abstract (1980-s.XXI)Abstract Sculpture(1980-s.XXI)Simposium of abstract sculpture (1999)Sculptures Monte AlbaSilveiro Rivas (1980-2003)Puerta del AtlanticoSculptures of Silveiro RivasArte in the street: Igor Mitoraj (2006)Sculptures of Igor MitorajLast Sculptures in Vigo (2005-2010)Monument to Julio Verne Monument to the Stone MasonsMonument to the Troubadours of the Ría of VigoExhibition'Naturaleza con Arte'Bicentennial Monument